“7 Blocks to Living the Creative Life: Part III” by guest blogger Donn Rochlin


We are thrilled to be featuring a seven-part series of guest posts by coach Donn Rochlin of Living the Creative Life. Check back each week for the next “block”…and advice on overcoming it.

All human beings are born with the gift of creativity. It is either developed or lost through lack of use. Following is the third of seven blocks that often show up for those who choose the creative path. Each block is seeded with an inspirational perspective to give encouragement and hope.


One of the saddest things for me to hear is how someone put their dream on hold because of their financial obligations and family responsibilities. My experience has showed me there ain’t no way to run away from my dream. My dreams are seeded in who I really am. I tried for years to escape into the world of “responsibility.” Several decades ago I got married.  The first week into the marriage I sold my piano and put my music on hold for nearly six years.  I emerged from that experience more thirsty than ever to play and write music. I remember my wife always saying “Businessmen are the kings of the world!” OK, I thought, I’ll be one of those guys!  The next few years were laced with constant struggle, competition, and the drive to “make it”: you know, Big House, lots of prestige, etc. Once my marriage dissolved, a veil had lifted. I started playing again.  I stayed in the sales business but my true love was resurfacing.  As I started to prioritize my art, encouragement, inspiration, and more opportunities started showing up. About a year later the Universe gave me a clear sign that I was on the right path. I was given a brand new grand piano. The truth is I am always supported when I am living my creativity but I do have to ask for what I want and direct my energy toward it. What I have discovered is that my first responsibility has to always be to myself…martyrdom and self-sacrifice always breed resentment.  Intensive care units around the world are full of people who did for others before doing for themselves. Pursuing a dream doesn’t mean I will “abandon” my family and become a bohemian outcast. In its true sense, it is a gift to my loved ones. I am setting an example for my children to be who they want to be and not follow blindly in the path of others. I am committing an act of self-love which can only enhance a marriage or a relationship. If your significant other is not on board with your dream it might be time for “a talk”. When I decide to pursue my passion and am suffocating with debt and the pressures of making an income, the last thing I need to do is work harder. Like the creative process itself I have to surrender and ask for guidance, strength and encouragement. I will always be supported as long as I am heading toward the truth of who I am. With all the financial ups and downs in my life, I have finally realized it’s not about my bank balance. It’s about how I feel about my life. Some of my best-feeling days were some of my lowest—or no—bank balance days! Living from creativity is noble…. It’s an adventure; bring your friends, bring your family, bring yourself to the Greatest Show on Earth: you playing the role of a creative genius, a dream-maker. Money loves a good party. It will show up…more than you can imagine! So-called coincidences will find you and life becomes less of a struggle and more of an adventure. As I acknowledge with enthusiasm and confidence that my responsibility is to my own happiness, my loved ones will be uplifted and inspired! What better way to provide for them?

donn rochlin

Donn Rochlin coaches artists, musicians, writers, performers, speakers, and entrepreneurs at Living the Creative Life, and has been a professional musician for over 25 years. You can reach him at 503-539-9153 or donnroc [at] ccountry [dot] net.