Ann Smith of A.wordsmith on working with Jackie B.:
“Jackie is one of the people who has been hugely influential in my career and in particular the building of my business. Meeting with her was therapy for my business and I left each session with a clearer head and an intention on what I needed to do next. She pushed me and made me realize that it’s ok to do things like “hire a bookkeeper” when I myself have no bookkeeping skills. She was there before there was a team, or office or a corporation – and it was Jackie that helped me tackle each of those things, one step at a time. Thank you so much, Jackie. You really are amazing!”

Ann Smith of A.wordsmith
Ann is president and founder of A.wordsmith, Portland Public Relations firm.
Listen to Ann interview Jackie on Ann’s podcast “All Shine No Flash.”
Get a copy of Jackie’s book Better, Smarter, Richer and start planning your own solo business today!.