Jackie B. Peterson will be presenting the business principles outlined in her book, Better, Smarter, Richer. If you have ever asked yourself any of the following questions you will not want to miss this opportunity to experience Jackie’s workshop.
Have you tried many times to make a living from your creative work only to run out of time, energy and money?
Have you almost given up and turned your creative love into a hobby and taken a day job to support yourself?
Have you been told all your life that you do wonderful work with your art, but you had better get a business degree to “fall back on?”
Are you afraid to charge your customers what you are really worth?
Does marketing overwhelm you because you do not know what to say or how to find those who will buy your work?
Are you doing too many jobs just to get by and have no time left for your creative work?
Are you a generalist who has a hard time focusing on one career path because you worry you may be missing work or opportunities elsewhere?
Click the link below to register:
Seating is limited so email today to reserve your seat.
Location: Portland Community College CLIMB Center 1626 SE Water, Portland, OR 97214
Date: April 20th, 2011
Time: 5:30-7:30 PM