Lynnette Hansen learns the value of her HR consulting business.

Jackie’s business coaching helps Lynnette Hansen.
Name of business: Your HR Resource, LLC
Years in business: 3 months
What the business does: Human Resource Consulting
What led to the formation of your business? My HR Director position of 5 years was eliminated.
What were you doing before? Human Resources for 45 years.
What is working now? Picking up business by word of mouth.
Your successes? Consistently obtaining new business without advertising. Still working on building confidence.
Advice/Lessons learned/Take away: Don’t undervalue your services and ask for help.
1) Learned to not undervalue services, don’t be embarrassed to ask for your value. Undercharging can make you look as though your skills could be substandard.
2) Learned to ask for help when I need it. I have many colleagues who have been extremely helpful and excited that I have started my consulting business.
What class did you take from Jackie B: Encore Entrepreneur
Have made the conscious decision not to have a website as I am picking up plenty of business without advertising.
Suddenly find yourself laid off? Position at your work eliminated? Know you have marketable skills? Consider starting your own business. Check out Jackie’s Best Beginnings.