Sylvie Menegon credits Jackie for business tips

Menegon Company was up and running before owner Sylvie Menegon started working with Jackie.  Now she has more knowledge to boost her French Caramel Sauce business. Sylvie Menegon credits Jackie for business improvement tips and ideas. Name of Business: MENEGON Company. How many years in business: 2 years and 3 months. What the business does: Read More …

Solo Business Stories: Seniors listen to John Van Beek’s Music We Remember. Jackie’s coaching helps

John Van Beek’s live music performance resulted in Music We Remember. Jackie B. confirms he is on the right track. Name of Business: Music We Remember Years in Business: 1.5yrs (with this name) What the business does: John Van Beek’s Music We Remember is a live music performance service, focused primarily on senior living communities Read More …

Solo Business Stories: Jackie jump starts Walch Communication

Jackie jump starts Walch Communication Meet Better, Smarter, Richer’s blogger, newsletter creator, and social media strategist, Michelle Walch. Name of Business:  Walch Communication Years in Business: three What the business does: Content Marketing, Copywriting, Social Media Strategy for healthy aging, women’s health, rural health and aging.  Interview Better, Smarter, Richer clients for Jackie’s blog. Read More …

Encore Entrepreneur Inspiration: Bill Saphir’s Change Management Consulting Services small business

Bill Saphir’s business, William H. Saphir, LLC, provides change management consulting services to healthcare providers, focusing on supply chain process. Bill describes his chronological age as 70.  Then he adds,”I don’t think I look that old nor do I feel it!” What the business does: His business is still in the beginning stages, but has Read More …

Encore Entrepreneurs: Ann Smith writes personal histories

Preserve life stories for future generations as a small business. Encore Entrepreneur Inspiration: Ann Smith business of writing life stories Overview: Ann Smith, age 70, and based in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, started Life Stories Remembered to “capture for posterity the legacy of a lifetime,” to “create a legacy for future generations,” and to “preserve the recollections Read More …

Life Lessons from the Humble Waterbug | The Perfect Entrepreneur Business Model for Solos

If you’ve ever been to one of my classes, study groups, or symposiums, you’ll have heard me talk about my favorite insect: the waterbug. If you haven’t, you might wonder what the world a bug can teach a solopreneur. Well let me tell you: a whole lot. The waterbug came to me in a burst Read More …

A Tip from Jackie: Plan Your Cash Flow

“Plan your cash flow.” What do I mean by that? Planning your cash flow means that you have a budget for your personal life and personal expenses, and you have a budget for your business and business expenses. You know how much money you must bring in every month. And you make plans to have Read More …

A Tip from Jackie: Find Your Niche

So how do you choose a deep and narrow niche? Your deep and narrow niche should be one that is very interesting and intriguing to you. It should be in your “sweet spot” where the circles in the Venn diagram—passion, talent, and potential revenue—intersect. If you choose to build your niche where you have interest, Read More …

A Tip from Jackie: Let’s Talk About Focus

Focus is so critical to your financial success that I have made it #1 of my seven basic principles. I know that creatives are interested in so many things. They are attracted to all the new bright changes and advances. They are immediately thinking about how they can use, incorporate, and adapt the new ideas, Read More …

Great Marketing Tips for the Bold Solopreneur by Guest Blogger Ivan Serrano

A solo entrepreneur is a lot of things. What it’s not is a hobby, a leisure activity, or anything else that alludes to part-time commitment. It’s not for the meek, nor is it something that offers security for those who seek it. It’s a lifestyle choice which has you habitually thinking and bringing your A-game Read More …